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About Loc Royalty.
My name is Tiesha and my personal loc journey inspired my creative niche for Loc Royalty LLC, a registered trademark. The Locs Like Wool tagline is in honor of our heavenly father and influenced by Daniel 7:9 and Revelations 1:14; which describes hair like wool and symbolizes purity. Loc Royalty LLC reminds us that we are Kings and Queens and encourages us to reflect the divine confidence and grace bestowed to us.
I am no stranger to adversity including depression and low self-esteem. However, when I decided to make prayer and self-care my top priorities, indescribable feelings of confidence and self-love surfaced along with focusing on my purpose and creativity. Loc Royalty LLC is my expressive gift to share with the world.
Here's a blast from the past! Check out our previous launch.
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